Thursday, 12 June 2014

“Reading is my favourite occupation, when I have leisure for it and books to read.” - Anne Brontë (Agnes Grey)

Poor neglected little blog! 

A thousand little things have been going on, none of which would be of any interest to anyone other than Kit and Face. Y'all don't really want the boring details on house inspections, gardening, Kit's problematic lack of book-shelving (Face says she cannot buy another bookshelf, which is really unreasonable of him), the new found delights of dried cranberries or how-Face-beat-that-game-that-was-omg-so-hard, do you? Didn't think so. But these little things must be the excuse Kit hides behind for the lack of updates. Additionally, the heater is in the lounge room rather than the study, so Kit can't sit in front of the computer long before suffering hypothermia. It's cold here, yo.  

A few weekends ago, there was a very rare break in the usual torrential downpour, so Face and Kit quickly shoved all their clothes in the washing machine (all rain all the time = no clean clothes), then high-tailed it to Richmond for some out-of-doors fun! Probably would have been more fun if they didn't decide to go through the maze. 

Going through the maze was Kit's idea, but as often happens when she decides to do something, she failed to recall that the last time she did that particular thing she really didn't enjoy it. Mazes aren't fun. Mazes are frustrating. If Face hadn't been there she probably would have broken in the first 10 minutes and bailed over the wall. Instead, Kit and Face ran around in circles for about an hour and a half before finally completing BOTH mazes (oh yeah, there were two connecting mazes, btw) and emerging victoriously into the cute little entry/exit tea-shop. The only good maze is a maze with cheating doors. Kit will always take the cheating doors. 

Then they went to the old Richmond gaol! It's all convict-era-y. Kit loves historic sites like this, with the beautiful old buildings and stories. Port Arthur is way up on her wishlist of things-to-do-when-we-have-moneys. Unfortunately, Face thinks old buildings are boring. He's entitled to his opinion, but he's wrong, and he's going to Port Arthur with Kit regardless. Check out the teeny tiny solitary confinement cells.  

That's some pretty serious solitary confinement. It would definitely suck to be locked in there for 30 days. Kit wouldn't have survived the boredom. Good thing she doesn't make a habit of stealing bread. Or, you know, live in a time where you got locked up for stealing bread. 

As for honours-based things, Stuff is happening! Kit is currently chilling at the Hobart Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment (DPIPWE <- cutest acronym ever. Say it out loud. Go on. It's freaking adorable.) office during the week. She's entering the data collected on the devils translocated to Maria Island. 

There's a lot of data. It's going to take a few weeks. In between these bouts of data entry, she's going to be undertaking an inventory to find out exactly how many poop samples she has to analyse! Scat fun is best fun. There are also a few hours worth of videotaped Tasmanian devils to go through, so she can figure out common behaviours. This actually sounds pretty awesome. Hours and hours of watching the most adorable creatures ever do devil-stuff? Hell yes. They're just so squee-worthy. 

Each devil's behaviour will indicate their overall personality (FOR EXAMPLE. Is the devil bold/shy/aggressive? Who knows?! Kit will!), and will then be compared with the devil's response to a stressor (being handled). And all this will tie into some big mess of information all the grown-up scientists are gathering on devils to assist with their conservation. Kit doesn't understand that part. Kit's supervisors spent about half an hour trying to explain it to her at their last meeting. All they got in return was Kit's duh face. 



Aight. Stuff we've done up-dates. Check. Science up-dates. Check. Time for craft up-dates! 
Cause there isn't much else in Kit's life. 

Ooh. Look at all the pretty colours. So pretty and colourful.

Kit's making a blanket! It's taking forever! Wah. She's been working on it for the past fortnight, and this is all she's done.

Damnit. It's going to take ages. Which is problematic, cause Kit is cold now. Y U so cold, Hobart? But there are worse ways to spend winter than sitting in front of a heater (picture included because it's currently the love of Kit's life) crocheting with videos of devils on TV. 

That's about it for now internet world! Kit's mummy and daddy are coming visiting this weekend, which she's uber excited about. =D We're all going to do stuff together, and it will be great.

Much love. xx