Sunday 2 February 2014

“I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.” - Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice)

Welcome to Kitcat and Face!

This blog will follow the lives of Kitcat and Face as they adventure their way through a year in Tasmania. Actually, more than a year. Hopefully. Kitcat loves it here. Face may still need a little convincing. 

Wow. That photo took ages to upload. Don't expect many more until our proper internet is connected.

Ahem. Kitcat and Face very recently moved to the Apple Isle so Kitcat could commence her honours project at the University of Tasmania (she starts tomorrow! Much excitement/nervousness/frantic last minute organisation in the house of Kitcat and Face). Her project is based around changes in behaviour and stress levels between wild, released and captive populations of Tasmanian devils. The finer details are yet to be worked out, but that's the basic plan she'll be working off. 

While Kitcat is off playing with devils, poor Face will be forced to work for bacon-money. Hopefully he'll be able to find a job which takes advantage of his university education, but the ol' job market in Tasmania isn't exactly thriving. Hobartians may end up being able to visit Face at the local McDonalds.

That would be sad - because Face is very smart and has lots of useful skills (hint, hint, potential employers out there). Why, just today he fixed the lionel in the kitchen after Kitcat accidentally sucked it all up into a bunch with her super-powered vacuum cleaner! Kitcat was very impressed. Keep your fingers crossed that he gets a job that he's qualified for, and interested in! 

Face has a Bachelor in Biological Science, and has already completed an honours project on top of that. His project involved the genetic diversity of river slime - "bio-film" - under different light and shade river conditions. Sounds awesome, huh? BUT NO WHERE NEAR AS AWESOME AS KITCAT'S PROJECT, YOU SAY? Well, you're right. 'Cause Kitcat gets to spend all her time learning about these:

Oh, gawd damn, could they be more adorable? Lookit the sleepy little guy! For those interested, his name is 'William' and he can be found at Devils@Cradle, the Tasmanian devil Sanctuary at Cradle Mountain where Kitcat undertook work placement in June/July in 2013. (Visit for more information on the great work they do at the Sanctuary!)  

Since it's way past Kitcat's bedtime, that's all you get for now, bloggers! Stay tuned for future updates regarding Kitcat's first days of uni (!!), household occurrences, life lessons (probably not so many of those), crochet and crafty things that Kitcat gets up to, and many, many photos of Tasmania!

Love love. xx 


  1. You guys are just so adorabubble! I look forward to following your adventures with this blog. Except for the times when I'm visiting, in which case I hope that I'll be doing awesome stuff with you and not just reading about your lives...

    1. Oh, sorry, we don't do awesome stuff anymore. Now that I have a blog we have to sit around and blog all day. Because that's what bloggers do.
