Sunday 13 April 2014

"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." - George Eliot ('Mr. Gilfil's Love Story,' Scenes of Clerical Life, 1857)

This is Jellybean. A.k.a., JB. 

Kit's had her since she was 7, which means JB is now 17. 
She's still oh-so-sassy.

Kit had a bit of a sad day yesterday, caused by a combination of over-tiredness and those general feelings of blah that you sometimes get.

She spent the whole day trying to get over the sad, but nothing seemed to work.

So she packed it in early and went to bed early with a JB to cuddle! That worked.

Sometimes all you need is a kitty with cat-food breath, whiskers tickling your face and loud, happy purrs in order to win at life. 

Lovely, lovely creatures.

That said, feral cats have a hella an impact on Australian native fauna. Feral cats kill an estimated 75 million native animals daily. Add the domestic cats to that (because even your beloved Fluffy, who is so kind and soft and gentle and perfect, will be out there murderin' the natives) and the estimate sky-rockets. 

Keep the natives safe, people! Responsible pet ownership for the win. 

(P.S. This article is pretty interesting if anyone is interested in reading about kitty impacts.)


  1. That took a turn I wasn't expecting. But yes! Responsible pet ownership! My also-sassy Bowie is next to the keyboard as I type this, instead of roaming the streets raping and pillaging and murdering the wildlifes. Cat's rock when the sads are there. In fact, Bowie is the only man in this house for the whole weekend and he and I will be just fine!

    1. It surprised me too. All my uni knowledge suddenly kicked in and my brain exploded into environmental management mode. I didn't even realise it had happened until it was published. Bowie is the manliest of men! Manly men are housebound and don't pillage natives! Good boy, Bowie.
