Sunday, 17 August 2014

“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” - Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray)

There are tiny blossoms on all the trees around Hobart!
That means winter is very nearly over!
Kit is so very sick of winter!

Let's all celebrate the blossoms! 

Face and Kit did some celebrating today by defying winter and doing a (mostly) out-of-doors activity. But not for very long, because it was cold outside.

Today they went to the Salmon Ponds, where they dined on delicious crepes and walked around looking at fish.

Face was super excited about all the fishy fun.

Dem fish were huge

While admittedly not the most exciting of weekend activities, it was lovely there. Very pretty gardens and such. Furthermore, it has inspired in Kit the desire to go fishing, having never been. Face is of the opinion that she won't actually enjoy it all that much. There's a pretty good chance of him being right. But the idea of spending your day reading on a riverbank (that's where people fish, right?) sounds so idyllic that she'll probably have to try it for herself before she's truly convinced that he's right.  

 A trip to the Salmon Ponds concludes all the fun stuff Kit and Face have done this weekend! Kit's thesis due date is getting fairly close, so she's having to spend a lot of time actually doing thesis-based stuff. She still has 25-ish devil videos to watch, and the dietary analysis will begin on Wednesday (hopefully), after being put off due to the grant application assignment. Work work work. Oh! Face did show Kit how to work Windows Movie Maker so she can take snippets of her devil videos for her final seminar.

Hence, adorable devil videos all over the 'net.

That's Armin. Who Kit has talked about before. He's so gosh darn cute. 

In other news, Face has found a PhD project which interests him! Something about stem cells. Or turning other cells into stem cells. Which sounds super impressive, but Kit's interest is limited due to the lack of fluffy animals involved. Not really. She's pretty excited for Face. He hasn't done any enquiring or applying or anything at this point, since our plans for next year are... Non-existent. But finding a project that interests Face is a good step towards actually having plans!

Much love. xx 


  1. I never went down to the Salmon Ponds, so that is indeed very exciting. Even more exciting about PhD potential goodness! Is that at UTas?

  2. Indeed! At least, I think indeed. It's at the Menzies Research Institute. Which may or may not be a part of UTAS. I'm not entirely sure.

  3. I hope I didn't over sell the Salmon Ponds, haha!! But they look just as lovely and I know the crepes were good!! Very happy that Face may have found something that sounds super super interesting! I really must update blog. So much busy.

    1. So much busy, so no the time. I'm starting to get the just-let-this-semester-end-already feels. I suspect that you are too! The Salmon Ponds were super lovely, which was what we expected from your description. The fishing museum on-site however... That was less lovely and boarded on boring! I'm sure many the people are fascinated by what the museum contains. We were probably the outliers.
