Sunday 2 March 2014

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” - Charlotte Brontë (Jane Eyre)

Oooh, it's project reveal day! Finally! We love revealing projects.

Y'all ready for this?

Ta daaaaaa!

Excuse the poor photos. Kit was too excited about getting them done and loaded to pay much attention to photo quality. At any rate, she loves her new bedside tables! 

Of course, Face didn't tell her until after she was finished that he prefers solid colours to the whole whitewashed look. Urgh. Too bad. They're staying as they are.

So what has Kit learnt from her very first renovating experience?

  • Not to trust the man at K&D Warehouse when he tells you that the project will easily be completed in an afternoon. He's clearly some kind of super-machine with access to power tools.
  • Two sheets of sandpaper will not be enough.
  • Unless you want to remove all the skin cells from your fingers (e.g., if you're thinking of committing any sort of crime), it's a good idea to wear gloves when using sandpaper.
  • Face's crummy old t-shirts do not make good rags. They just leave little bits of blue cotton everywhere, which then have to be lovingly and painstakingly picked out of the paint.
  • Elbow grease is over-rated. Power tools are where it's at (Kit loves her new Mouse Sander. She just loves it).
  • Don't attempt sanding inside. Even if it's raining and you really want to get started. And no, setting down a tarp won't do the job. You're still going to get dust everywhere. 
  • Listen to your dad when he tells you to buy disposable gloves for painting. It took a LOT of scrubbing and the brave sacrifice of a loofah to get all the paint off Kit's hands.

That's sad Kit with sore, newly skinned and paint covered fingers. But all that pain was worth it (sort of), as out bedside tables are no longer icky. Plus, Kit gained some pearls of wisdom to share!

Along with sanding, painting, sanding, painting and uni-ing, Kit has been busy busy crocheting. There are two projects on the go at the moment, but neither are at showing-off stage. Instead, here's a pair of booties that Kit recently made for baby Adrian! Naw. Little sailor-man shoes.  

If anyone is interested at attempting these themselves, the pattern can be purchased here. Alternatively, Kit is always happy for an excuse to crochet anything, so if you're willing to fork our for the yarn, postage and time, Kit can do all the hard work for you! 

While crocheting, Kit has been wearing her new pj-j's! They're so awesome. And only 12 moneys from Kmart! Kit normally tries to avoid shopping at places like Kmart. Evil multinational corporation that it is. With their throw-away item quality. Urgh! 

Kit used Environmental Outrage.

But it wasn't very effective...

*Sigh*. It never is.

Despite the outrage, Science Kitty pj-j's apparently win over principles. Kit does indeed hate herself a little bit right now. BUT SHE DOES LOVE SCIENCE KITTIES. 

And finally! For those who haven't seen it (probably very few, as Kit has already send this picture to evvveeeeryone she knows), Face has new hair! Look how short it is! He's like a cute little poodle. Woof. 

This is Face's Job Hair. Also known as the Look-How-Respectable-I-Appear-Please-Give-Me-A-Job-Mr/Mrs-Interviewer Hair. So short! It was a pleasant surprise for Kit to find that her boyfriend did actually have a face (yes, that is where his ironic nickname originally came from) under all those curls. Fluffy. Naaw!

Well, that's about it for Kit and Face news. This next week will consist of Kit sanding anything she can get her hands on with her new super-sander, and reading more articles. Of course. And Face shall continue his heroic quest for a job. Oh! Plus! The proper internet will FINALLY get connected after a two week wait following a muck up. Turns out the internet people have to drill through walls and stuff to connect the super-special-and-awesome Fiber internets (which we weren't aware of until the internet man turned up with his power tools), and we thought that might be something that the landlords would want to know about first. Which, unfortunately, put us back on the NBN waiting list. Urrrrrrgh. At any rate, Tuesday will hopefully be the day. Face will be... just so happy


  1. You gotted the mouse sander!! I'm so glad you love it! The side tables look wonderful and what would Face know about how wood should look in the house? But he does look infinitely more employable with the new hair!! And I love your painting tips. Might I recommend some sovol and a nail brush for future skin paint clean ups? You skin will glow red from all of the scrubbing!

  2. He knows precisely nothing! Another painting tip I should have added was that it's infinitely easier using a brush than a rag when applying the particular liming solution I was using. It took me four coats with the rag, and only one with the brush. Silly old K&D man. "Use a rag." Pfft! You can recommend all the paint removal tips you have! I definitely need them. I was somewhat surprised and alarmed to find that nail polish removal didn't work. That was the strongest removal agent we had in the house. I think I need something a tad stronger.

  3. Are you using oil based or water? I pray it is water and that you didn't share my experience of someone buying you the exact opposite of what you asked them to buy. For water based, the old scrubbing brush is honestly the best. Alternatively, you can leave it on there and it will *eventually* come off in the shower. That's what I did for me legs anyway. How did I get it on my legs? I have no idea. Did I wear shorts this summer? No I did not.

    1. Luckily, Dad rang me just before I went to Bunnings and managed to impress upon me just how important it was to buy water based. Unfortunately, I was so focused on that tidbit of information that I forgot to buy the equally important disposable gloves. Ooh, mystery leg paint! I want to put on a Sherlock hat and solve this mystery! It was undoubtedly Puffin. He painted the inside of your jeans to get you back for... Something drastic. How dastardly!
