Monday 24 March 2014

“There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.” - Arthur Conan Doyle (The Red Headed League)

Let's play a little game!

This game is called 'Things Kit wants that she can't afford'.

This game is pretty much an exercise in pointlessness, as Kit is simply going to list a bunch of stuff that she wants, and then she wins. Sweet. 

Can you tell that Kit is sick of working on her literature review?

Let's begin!

1. A Clock.

It's kind of mind blowing how hard it is to find a place that sells nice clocks. Kit could, of course, just buy one online, but then she'd have to wait for it to arrive. She wants one now. Instead, she'll keep visiting the same old shops in Hobart, expecting them to suddenly start stocking clocks similar to this piece of lovely. Solid plan.

2. A Grey, Modular Couch.

Just look at that couch. Isn't it just divine? In fact, Kit fancies the entire room. Mmmm. Nordic. Unfortunately, Face is unusually set against modular couches. Apparently they side apart underneath him, and he finds it disturbing. He's somehow couching wrong.

3. Various Scatter Cushions.

Kit's grey modular couch would naturally need to be pillowrised. This selection would be a good start. Then she would get more and more and MOAR until the entire house is smothered by pillows. Pillows = Yes.

4. Bunting Necklace

Yeeesssssss! Bunting! Who doesn't love bunting? Bunting-haters, that's who. Kit isn't one of them. She's wanted a bunting necklace for ages, and has subsequently been giving Face increasingly direct hints. Which, obviously, still haven't been direct enough. So Kit may never get her bunting necklace from him. There's just something so depressing about buying your own jewellery. 

5. A 'No Riff-Raff' Doormat
How delightfully silly! Everybody should have a touch of Fawlty Towers at their doorstep.

6. A Gigantic Floor Cushion.

A bean-bag simply won't cut it. It must be a cushion, it must be gigantic, and it must be on Kit's floor. 

7. Adventure Time Paraphernalia 

There is so much Adventure Time merchandise out there that Kit desires. Adventure Time, for those who are silly and don't already know, is the best show in the entire world. Face puts it on to make Kit jolly whenever she is stressed, tired, grumpy, humourless, morose, dejected, peevish, doleful, woeful, melancholy or sick. He also puts it on for her whenever she gives the 'Adventure Time!' command. Which is quite often, since it's her most favourite show forever and ever. 

8. A Pi-Pie Dish

Get it?! GET IT?!?! It's a pi-pie dish! Is that not ingenious? Kit doesn't often bake pies. But she certainly would if she had this pie dish. Mostly to see Face's misery when he cut through the delicious crispy crust to the pun beneath. 

9. This Pretty Unicorn Print

Oh, gawsh, it's just adorable. 

10. Puppy

Like any sane person, Kit desperately wants a puppy. PWUPPIES! Lil' cute button noses and fluff everywhere! Most unfortunately, the current living arrangements of Face and Kit are not ideal (or even remotely suited) for a pwuppy. So Kit will have to wait for this bundle of love and affection. What Kit really wants is a large (we're talking farm-sized here), out-of-town property where Face would finally let her have a puppy. So. Should probably look at getting a job that pays a million moneys an hour, so we can afford a place like that. 

It's going to be years before Kit can get a puppy. Cue despondent sobbing. 

Love love! xx

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